Refund policy

Shop policies for KarenArubaArt

Returns & exchanges
I gladly accept returns and exchanges if there is any issue
Contact me within: 14 days of delivery
Ship items back within: 30 days of delivery
The items can’t be returned or exchanged unless they arrive damaged or defective.
I don’t accept cancellations. Please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

Returns and exchange details
If your item arrives damaged or broken, please send me photos with the packaging items by sending email to as soon as possible.
I accept returns/exchanges if you contact me within 7 days after arriving.
The item may have to be returned & sent to my given address in Hong Kong via post and the sender has to be
responsible for the postal fee. You’ll receive the details via email.
We will update you the schedule of re-ordering or replacement subject to the working status.
For further enquiries, please contact us by email: